I was tagged by the lovely Carlottaloth Please head over to her blog and check it out!
1. First TouTube video you watched?
Lyric Video to the song Love the way you lie - Rihanna
2. First person you subscribed to on YouTube?
3. Do you still talk to your first Love?
No I don't.
4. First Kiss?
Truth is I have not kissed anyone.
5. First alcoholic drink?
Think it was Bulmers
6. First car?
Can't drive yet :(
7. First Job?
I haven't have a proper job yet, but I have done babysitting :)
8. First Pet?
A dog called tammy
9. First celebrity Crush?
JONNY WILKINSON <3 (Britsh Rugby player) Mcfly or it was Orlando bloom in lord of the rings legolas :')
10. First really boyfriend?
I haven't had a boyfriend
11. Who was the first person to text you today?
My Best Friend.
12. Who was your first grade teacher?
Her name was I can't remember her name, but I know that she was really nice :)
13. Where was your first sleepover?
It was at my childhood Best Friends house, in primary school
14. What was the first thing you did this morning?
Go on my laptop :)
15. First concert you ever went to?
Union J in 2012
16. First broken bone?
My Wrist, When I fell playing football
17. First Movie you remember seeing?
Harry Potter <3
18. First sport you were involved in?
Tag Rugby
19. First tweet?
It was a tweet to Zac Efron 'Heyyy' :')
20. First Facebook profile Picture?
A picture of our cat Razzle Dazzle

21. First piercing?
My Ear lobe, Summer 2009
I Tag:
Áine www.thisisaine.com
I can't wait to start writing mine and really enjoyed reading yours.
Hey hun. Have nominated you for the Liebster award over on my blog! xx
ReplyDeletexxx | daisydaisyxxo
hnnnnng legolas ;)